Air Purifier vs Humidifier – 4 Clear Differences

Matelo2005, CC BY-SA 4.0, Roecrew, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Comm
ons.Air Purifier vs Humidifier
We all know from childhood that dirty air, saturated with harmful components, is a source of rather dangerous diseases. However, many readers are still not aware of the difference between a device such as an air humidifier and a somewhat similar air purifier. These miniature products can drastically change the presence of harmful impurities in the air of your apartment and remove them. To find out their differences, which are not that many, you will need to read this article carefully.
- The main difference between air purifier and humidifier lies in the functionality of each device: one cleans the air of impurities; the other simply hydrates it to the optimum value.
- In winter, when lightly heated batteries dry the air in a child’s room, the humidifier is closely related, creating an uncomfortable and dangerous environment for the child’s health.
- Mass air purifiers are used in manufacturing where there is smoke, a large concentration of dust.
- For example, in a kitchen with a gas stove, installing a solid exhaust hood to remove combustion products and odors from cooking is necessary. Still, in addition to this, it is essential to take care of the influx of fresh air. A humidifier is more suitable for the children’s room. The percentage of humidity in the air is always optimal.
Air Purifier vs Humidifier – What is the difference
From the name of these devices, it is clear why they are used in everyday life. Specialists divide them into different devices by three main features:
Its main task is to remove everything harmful to the health of surrounding components from the polluted air. The devices are identical in design. Only the filters installed inside are different. If suspended dust constantly accumulates in the room, an electrostatic filter should be used, and when the problem is only due to foul odors, carbon filters are used.
Today, the market sells devices made using the highest technology to solve the problems that arise with odors or pollution inside the production plants: these are the latest products with photocatalytic filter elements that remove the pollution present. In the air, but they also break them down into harmless molecules. Carbon filters only trap foreign components within their housing.
The main objective of these products is to maintain the optimum humidity in the room entrusted to them. Due to the dry air, surviving in the apartment makes weakness, dry skin issues, and also reduces the hair, which has a negative effect.
Specialists divide these products into the following main options:
Based on hot steam, which they emit from time to time.
Ultrasound hydration
As a result, it splits into many drops, forming a suspension through which the sucked air penetrates, saturated with these vapors.
Which is better – humidifier or purifier.
These two household appliances are almost equally popular with the consumer because the detergent creates a feeling of freshness and prevents the development of various diseases. The humidifier increases comfort, creating a specific microclimate. Manufacturers have already launched three-in-one products: a cleanser, a humidifier, and an ionizer, but they are still costly.
Inexpensive devices are available for sale, in which a humidifier and an ionizer are combined. This expertise does a great job of setting up activities to bring the air humidity to the values recommended by doctors. Only the humidity level needs to be monitored independently, which is not difficult with a hygrometer.
Cleaning the air in the apartment depends on the abilities of the residents and their budget – for which device you have enough money, buy one. Many do not think about it at all because they live far from industrial areas near plantations or natural forests. Not a single perfect product can be compared with nature in the degree of purification of air masses, mainly coniferous forests are distinguished by this, so it is so easy to fully breathe in them.